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Internal Bleaching in Whiteland

Sometimes a tooth that has sustained trauma or has had a root canal procedure can become darkened and discolored. While for some teeth that have had root canal therapy, a filling or restoration such as a crown may be recommended, when sufficient tooth structure remains, a procedure known as internal bleaching can reestablish a tooth’s white and vibrant appearance.

At Magnolia Dental we offer gentle, precise and conservative care to maintain the optimal health, function, and appearance of your smile. By placing a safe and effective bleaching agent into the empty pulp chamber of the non-vital and discolored tooth, we can reverse any darkening that is due to blood pigments that remained after an initial root canal therapy, or from the root canal filling materials themselves.

As performed by our office, internal bleaching is a careful and stepwise process that begins with a radiographic and clinical assessment of the tooth. While in some cases a second root canal procedure may be indicated before internal bleaching, that is not always necessary. Whatever the case may be, to perform internal bleaching, the top portion of the root is accessed and sealed before the placement of a special medicament to whiten and brighten the crown from the inside out. While a comfortable procedure, internal bleaching may require a couple of visits for optimum results. And, once completed, a permanent restoration is placed.

As skilled and experienced providers of care, our office will address all your questions and concerns throughout treatment.

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989 US Highway 31
Suite 11
Whiteland, IN 46184

Office Hours

8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 2:30 pm